Locksbottom lies in a slight hollow, or bottom, just over 12 miles south of London on the route to Tonbridge and less than a mile from Farnborough village, an important stopping place on the London road. From at least the 17th century there has been a coaching inn here - now called Ye Olde Whyte Lion. The area alongside the main road in the northerrly direction is known as Farnborough Common.
But the name Locksbottom probably did not exist before the 1700s, and almost certainly derives its name from John Lock. He first appears in the Land and Window Tax records in 1766, when he was assessed for 14 lights (windows). His name also appears as assessor for Land Tax in 1767. He owned land in the area and lived in a farmhouse originally called Chalk Farm, but later called Farnborough Lodge. This still remains today just north of the inn. Over the years the name gained acceptance as a single word —Locksbottom.
Its principle importance since the early nineteenth century has been as the location for Farnborough Workhouse, which evolved over time to become Farnborough Hospital. This is now the location for the Princess Royal University Hospital. The history of the workhouse and hospitals is described in further pages on this website, see the menu to the right.